Category: Advances in Endoscopy
New Approaches and Old Struggles in Antireflux Endoscopy
G&H Could you briefly review the history of endoscopic antireflux interventions and explain why most of them failed? NK Historically, several endoscopic therapies for gastroesophageal reflux […]
Endoscopic Approach to Biliary Strictures
G&H What are the main indications for performing cholangioscopy in the evaluation of biliary strictures? SE There are a few indications for performing cholangioscopy in biliary […]
Endoscopic Approach and New Oncologic Strategies for Early Rectal Neoplasia
G&H What criteria should be used to assess and describe a newly diagnosed rectal lesion? MB When evaluating a rectal lesion, it is important to remember […]
Ergonomic Wellness in Endoscopy: Obstacles and Ways Forward
G&H What are some of the major ergonomic issues in endoscopy? MT The ergonomic issues in endoscopy range widely, especially among providers. The reason for many […]
Conventional vs Full-Thickness Resection Techniques for Large Polyps
G&H What are the important characteristics of large polyps that help in determining which polyps to remove and which resection technique to use? AS There are […]
Hemostatic Techniques in the Management of Gastrointestinal Bleeding
G&H Which endoscopic hemostatic techniques are currently considered first line for most cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding? SG For upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, first-line therapy, or […]
Optimizing Endoscopic Bypass Procedures
G&H What has been a major development in endoscopic bypass procedures? CT Malignant gastric outlet obstruction has been a condition endoscopists have been trying to treat […]
Efforts to Support Effective Teaching in Endoscopy
G&H What are the current macro trends in gastrointestinal endoscopic training? JC The first major trend is a wider acceptance of education to the point of […]
Outlook on Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Device Innovation
G&H How did you start your journey as an innovator? BM Being an innovator is fun and unpredictable. I have loved tinkering with devices since childhood. […]
Current Status of Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery
G&H How did the idea of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery come about? MK There were a number of similar-thinking minimally invasive surgeons and, so to […]
Current Status and Future Course of Disposable-Component and Single-Use Duodenoscopes
G&H What prompted the recent interest in the development of novel duodenoscope designs? NF Over the past several years, there have been many reports of outbreaks […]
The Path to Improving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Endoscopy
G&H What is the current state of diversity, equity, and inclusion in endoscopy? JC When looking at gender diversity as well as racial or ethnic diversity, […]
Update on Barrett Esophagus Diagnosis and Management
G&H What has recent research revealed about the rise in esophageal adenocarcinoma despite screening and surveillance for Barrett esophagus? AC Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) has been increasing […]
Transitioning to Sustainable Care and Green Endoscopy
G&H How would you define green endoscopy? HP In essence, green endoscopy means to practice endoscopy that is environmentally friendly and affords a way of performing […]
The Potential Role of Motorized Spiral Enteroscopy in Small Bowel Evaluation
G&H What are the main indications for spiral enteroscopy of the small bowel? HN The indications for spiral enteroscopy are not different from those for other […]
Remote Teaching of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
G&H How did you become involved in remote training of gastrointestinal endoscopy? JW In 2020, Dr Michael Marin, the Surgeon-in-Chief of the Mount Sinai Health System, […]
Interventional Endoscopic Ultrasound: The New Frontier
G&H How did endoscopic ultrasound transition from a purely diagnostic tool to a therapeutic tool as well? MK Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) was developed to stage tumors. […]
Insights Into Water Exchange Colonoscopy
G&H What are the benefits of using water to assist colonoscopy rather than air? FL Air insufflation, which is traditionally used in colonoscopy, is a well-known […]
Insights on Over-the-Scope Clips
G&H What are the current indications for over-the-scope clips? KM The current indications for over-the-scope clips (OTSCs) are quite ample and diverse. The major indication is […]
Improving Quality and Outcomes in Colonoscopy
G&H Why should the quality of colonoscopy be a major concern among clinicians? AS Colonoscopy is a highly effective tool for preventing and reducing the burden […]