Tags: hepatitis C virus
Rapid Treatment Initiation for Hepatitis C Virus Infection: Potential Benefits, Current Limitations, and Real-World Examples
Abstract: The science for rapid treatment initiation for hepatitis C virus infection is in place. Easy and quick diagnostic tools can provide results within an hour. […]
Hepatitis C Virus Treatment and Solid Organ Transplantation
Abstract: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a common indication for liver transplantation. If the patient’s HCV is untreated prior to liver transplant, infection of the […]
Extrahepatic Benefits Achieved With Sustained Virologic Response in Patients With Hepatitis C Virus Infection
G&H What are the hepatic benefits achieved with sustained virologic response in patients infected with hepatitis C virus? MK In patients with chronic hepatitis C […]
Hepatitis C Virus and Liver Transplantation
Abstract: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of death from infectious disease and is still the leading indication for liver transplantation in the […]
The Current Economic Burden of Cirrhosis
Abstract: Cirrhosis is a worldwide problem that is associated with a substantial economic burden. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, and alcoholic liver disease are the main causes of cirrhosis, but cost-effective preventive strategies are only available for HBV infection. Treatment algorithms for HBV infection and HCV infection are numerous and may be economically advantageous, depending on the regimen utilized; however, effective treatment for alcoholic liver disease is lacking, with abstinence from alcohol consumption continuing to be the main treatment strategy. In addition, liver transplantation (the only cure for cirrhosis) continues to consume substantial economic resources despite a recent reduction in overall cost. More sensitive predictors of post–liver transplantation disability could reduce this cost by allowing interventions that would promote productivity and increase health-related quality of life after liver transplantation. This paper highlights recent publications that evaluate the cost-effectiveness of strategies that prevent or treat the main causes of cirrhosis as well as publications that assess the impact of quality of life on the overall cost burden of the disease.
Direct-Acting Antiviral Medications for Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Abstract: Treatment of hepatitis C virus has traditionally been difficult because of low rates of treatment success and high rates of treatment discontinuation due to side effects. Current standard therapy consists of pegylated interferon α and ribavirin, both of which have nonspecific and largely unknown mechanisms of action. New therapies are in development that act directly on the hepatitis C virus at various points in the viral life cycle. Published clinical trial data on these therapies are summarized in this paper. A new era of hepatitis C virus treatment is beginning, the ultimate goals of which will be directly targeting the virus, shortening the length of therapy, improving sustained virologic response rates, and minimizing side effects.