Tags: Esophageal Cancer
Stenting for Esophageal Cancer
G&H What are the main symptoms and risk factors for esophageal cancer? VK The typical symptom for patients who present with esophageal cancer is dysphagia or […]
Novel Screening and DNA Testing for the Detection of Esophageal Precancerous Disease
G&H Why have screening rates for esophageal cancer historically been low? DP The biggest reason is a lack of awareness and understanding of esophageal cancer, particularly […]
Risk of Cancer in Patients With Barrett Esophagus
G&H How prevalent is esophageal cancer in the United States? What are the most common risk factors? NS Esophageal cancer has 2 major subtypes, squamous […]
The Role of Endoscopic Ultrasound in Esophageal Cancer
G&H How common is esophageal cancer, and what are the main risk factors? DF Esophageal cancer is not very common. Approximately 18,000 cases are diagnosed […]
Esophageal Cancer Prevention
Gastroenterology & Hepatology Volume 12, Issue 12, December 2016 Kenneth K. Wang, MD Director, Advanced Endoscopy Group and Esophageal Neoplasia Clinic Consultant, Division of Gastroenterology and […]